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Arrays and Slices


Arrays have per default fix defined lengths.

Assign by Position

// [...]

func main() {
    // assign by position
    var a [2]int
    a[0] = 10
    a[1] = 20
    a[0] = a[0] + a[1]

Assign by Declaration

// [...]

func main() {

    // assign directly
    b := [2]int{10, 20}


Slicing is a way to create a new array from an existing array. Start index is inclusive and end index is exclusive. The syntax is array[start:end].

// [...]

func main() {
    numbers := [8]int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8}

    var slice []int = numbers[0:4] // slice from 0 to 4 (exclusive -> 4-1 = 3)

Dynamically-sized Arrays

Arrays can be dynamically sized by using the make function. With the append function, you can add elements to the array. Removing elements is not directly possible, but you can create a new array without the element you want to remove (with slicing).

// [...]

func main() {
    dynamic := make([]int, 5)

    dynamic = append(dynamic, 10, 20)