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Pointers are used to store the memory address of another variable. They are used to pass large data structures to functions without copying them. They are also used to create linked lists and other data structures. With pointers, you can read, write, modify and delete the value of the variable they point to.

// [...]

func main() {
    x := 100

    pX := &x         // pointer to x
    fmt.Println(*pX) // read value with pointer

    *pX = 20         // set new value with pointer
    fmt.Println(*pX) // read value with pointer

    *pX = *pX / 2    // divide
    fmt.Println(*pX) // read value with pointer

Pointers to struct

// [...]

type Vertex struct {
    X int
    Y int

func main() {
    v := Vertex{1, 2}
    p := &v

    p.X = 1e2
    p.Y = p.Y - 20
package main

import "fmt"

type Node struct {
    Data int
    Next *Node

func main() {

    node3 := &Node{Data: 30, Next: nil}
    node2 := &Node{Data: 20, Next: node3}
    node1 := &Node{Data: 10, Next: node2}

    current := node1
    for current != nil {
        current = current.Next