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Structs are user-defined types that can be used to store a collection of fileds into a single unit. They are similar to classes in object-oriented languages.

Basic Structs

// [...]

type Rectangle struct {
    Width  int
    Height int

type Circle struct {
    Radius int

func main() {
    r := Rectangle{
        Width:  10,
        Height: 4,
    c := Circle{
        Radius: 12,

Advanced Structs

You can also embed structs into other structs. This is similar to inheritance in object-oriented languages.

// [...]

type Shape struct {
    Edges int

type Rectangle struct {
    Width  int
    Height int

type Circle struct {
    Radius int

func main() {
    r := Rectangle{
        Width:  10,
        Height: 4,
        Shape: Shape{
            Edges: 4,
    c := Circle{
        Radius: 12,
        Shape: Shape{
            Edges: 0,