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Unstructured Data for Information Retrieval

Elements of information retrieval:

  • Information Needs (User Query)
  • Information Resources (Documents)
  • System that identifies Sources and indicates relevance

Text Representations in IR

Unstructured Representation

  • Standart text representation
  • Bag of words: unordered set of terms
  • Good performance but not always relevant results


“One evening Frodo and Sam were walking together in the cool twilight. Both of them felt restless again. On Frodo suddenly the shadow of parting had falling: the time to leave Lothlorien was near.”

    "one": 1,
    "evening": 1,
    "frodo": 2,

Weakly-Structured Representation

  • Some group of terms which are more important (e.g. Nouns, named entities)
  • Other Terms: ignored or down-scaled
  • Needs preprocessing: NLP (e.g. POS tagging: part-of-speech tagging to identify nouns)


“One evening Frodo and Sam were walking together in the cool twilight. Both of them felt restless again. On Frodo suddenly the shadow of parting had falling: the time to leave Lothlorien was near.”

// Count of Nouns
    "evening": 1,
    "frodo": 2,
    "sam": 1,
    "twilight": 1,
    "shadow": 1,
    "lothlorien": 1

// Count of Names in Nouns
    "frodo": 2,
    "sam": 1,

Structured Representation

  • Graph with nodes and edges
  • Describes relations between terms


“One evening Frodo and Sam were walking together in the cool twilight. Both of them felt restless again. On Frodo suddenly the shadow of parting had falling: the time to leave Lothlorien was near.”

graph LR
    F[Frodo] --> w[walking]
    S[Sam] --> w
    F --> f[felt restless]
    S --> f
    F --> h[had falling]
    F --> l[leave]

    l --> lo[Lothlorien]
    h --> s[shadow]

    w -- same time --> f
    f -- before --> h
    h -- before --> l

Text Preprocessing


Goal: Reduce Vocabulary Size: remove noise

  • How to split words?
  • Remove filler words
  • Handle differend verb forms, adjectives and nouns with the same stem
  • Handle synonyms and similar concepts in other languages
  • Different document types needs different preprocessing


  1. Extract plain text from document (e.g. .txt, .pdf, .docx, .html)
  2. Language detection
  3. Tokenization (split text to character sequences)
  4. Morphological Normalization (e.g. stemming, lemmatization)
  5. Stopwords Removal
  6. Indexing

Tokens and Terms

word string with characters
term normalized form of word
token instance of term in text
tokenization process of splitting text into tokens



  • Rule-based
  • Supervised learning

Procedure Normalization 1

  • Error/Spelling correction
  • Case folding: all characters to lowercase
  • Morphological normalization: reducing different forms of the same word to a common word
  • Inflectional normalization / Lemmatization: normalization of same words to the lexically correct base form
  • Derivational normalization: normalization of word to the lexically correct base form (specialized)
  • Stemming: normalization of word stem (e.g. "automates", "automated", "automatic" to "automat")
    • Porter Stemmer (algorithm which cuts off certain suffixes) 2

Expanding Queries

Theoretically very powerful but in practice inefficient because of indexing similar words.

Stopword Removal 3 4

  • Stopwords: words which are very common and not relevant for IR
  • Reduces vocabulary size
  • Low significance
  • Can match false positives

Boolean Retrieval


Method for matching documents against queries with boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT)

  • Inefficient because of large text, ignores spacing to words in sentence


  • Boolean Model (True/False)
  • Algebraic Model (Vector Space Model)
  • Probabilistic Model (Binary Independence Model)
  • Semantic Model


  • Query Text: representation of raw query
  • Documents: representation of raw documents
  • Function: maps relevant documents for query:
    • fd maps document to representation (IR standard)
    • fq maps query to representation (IR standard)
    • r Ranking: calculates relevance of document for query

Therm Document / Incidence Matrix

  • Good for small collections
  • Dictionary: all terms in collections
  • Vector: count of terms in document



One evening Frodo and Sam were walking together in the cool twilight.


    "one": 1,
    "evening": 1,
    "frodo": 1,
    "sam": 1,
    "walking": 1,
    "together": 1,
    "cool": 1,
    "twilight": 1,
    "restless": 0,
    "shadow": 0


[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]

Inverted Index

  • Good for efficient handling
  • Contains word and list of documents where word occurs


Document 1:

One evening Frodo and Sam were walking together in the cool twilight.

Document 2:

Both of them felt restless again.


    "one": [1],
    "evening": [1],
    "frodo": [1],
    "sam": [1],
    "walking": [1],
    "together": [1],
    "cool": [1],
    "twilight": [1],
    "restless": [2]

Query Sam AND Frodo:

sam = [1]
frodo = [1]
sam  frodo = [1]

Intersection Optimization

  • Intersection from small list to large list
  • Sort index alphabetically
  • Add Skip Pointers (Step size: \(\sqrt(N)\))
graph LR

Sam --> 1 --> 2 --> 7 --> 174 --> 210 --> 331 --> 2046
1 -- skip --> 174 -- skip --> 2046

Frodo --> f2[2] --> 3 --> 4 --> f7[7] --> 21 --> 29 --> 38 --> 91 --> 101 --> 122 --> 134 --> 171 --> 1137
f2 -- skip --> 21 -- skip --> 134 -- skip --> 1137

Ranked Retrieval


Boolean retrieval returns only True/False for query. Ranked retrieval returns a ranking for each document.

Ranking Principle 1


Relevance bei amount of unique query terms in document (count of unique query terms)

Example Query: earthquake epicentre richter scale

Document 1:

Yesterday there was an earthquake in China. The epicentre was 200 miles north of the capitol. The measurement on the richter scale was about ...

Document 2:

After the strong earhquake in 2020, the damages has been repaired really fast. The beautiful city Bolognese in Italy with its new mayor Andrea Richter currently experiences ...

Ranking Principle 2


Relevance by total amount of query terms in document (count of all query terms)

Example Query: earthquake richter

Document 1:

Yesterday there was an earthquake in China. The epicentre was 200 miles north of the capitol. The measurement on the richter scale was about 5.7. The duration of the earthquake was about 30 seconds.

Document 2:

After the strong earhquake in 2020, the damages has been repaired really fast. The beautiful city Bolognese in Italy with its new mayor Andrea Richter currently experiences ...

Ranking Principle 3


Relevance by rarity of occurence of query terms in document (focus: min. all query terms)

Example Query: earthquake bolognese

Document 1:

Yesterday there was an earthquake in China. The epicentre was 200 miles north of the capitol. The measurement on the richter scale was about 5.7. The duration of the earthquake was about 30 seconds.

Document 2:

After the strong earhquake in 2020, the damages has been repaired really fast. The beautiful city Bolognese in Italy with its new mayor Andrea Richter currently experiences ...

Ranking Principle 4


Relevance by distance of query terms to each other in document (how close are the query terms)

Example Query: Hans Meyer

Document 1:

Hans Meyer elected as new president. Yesterday, Hans Meyer was elected as new president of ...

Document 2:

Hans Gfeller, Horst Peter, Markus Meyer

Ranking Principle 5


Relevance by position of query terms in document (how early are the query terms in the document)

Example Query: Hans Meyer

Document 1:

Hans Meyer elected as new president. Yesterday, Hans Meyer was elected as new president of ...

Document 2:

After the election of a new president, a lot of thins are updated. According to Hans Meyer there will be ...

Modified Ranking Index

Ranking (R1, R2, R3)

  • R1: Relevance by amount of unique query terms in document
  • R2: Relevance by total amount of query terms in document
  • R3: Relevance by rarity of occurence of query terms in document


    "value": [[Document Nr., Amount of Occurences], ...],
    "example": [[1, 4], [2, 3]]

Ranking (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5)

  • R1: Relevance by amount of unique query terms in document
  • R2: Relevance by total amount of query terms in document
  • R3: Relevance by rarity of occurence of query terms in document
  • R4: Relevance by distance of query terms to each other in document
  • R5: Relevance by position of query terms in document


    "value": [[Document Nr., Amount of Occurences, [Position 1, Position 2, ...]], ...],
    "example": [[1, 4, [1, 2, 3, 4]], [2, 3, [1, 2, 3]]]

Vector Space Model


Model for representing documents and queries as vectors in a multidimensional space. Similarity between documents is measured by the angle.

Cosiine Similarity:

\[ \cos(\theta) = \frac{A \cdot B}{\|A\| \|B\|} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^{n} A_i B_i}{\sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n} A_i^2} \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^{n} B_i^2}} \]


Document 1: Document 2:
Frodo and Sam were walking together in the cool twilight. Frodo likes to walk in the evening.


["frodo", "sam", "walk", "together", "cool", "twilight", "like", "evening"]


D1 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0]
D2 = [1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1]

Query: sam twilight

q = [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]


cos(D1, q) = 0.5
cos(D2, q) = 0

Term Frequency (TF)


Weighted term frequency in a document

\[ tf_{t,d} = \frac{\text{count of term t in document d}}{\text{total count of terms in document d}} \]


Document 1:

One evening Frodo and Sam were walking together in the cool twilight. Both of them felt restless again. On Frodo suddenly the shadow of parting had falling: the time to leave Lothlorien was near. Total count: 34

Term Count Term Frequency
Frodo 2 \(tf(\text{Frodo}, d_1) = 2 / 34 = 0.0588\)
Sam 1 \(tf(\text{Sam}, d_1) = 1 / 34 = 0.0294\)

Inverse Document Frequency (IDF)


Importance of a term in all documents. High if term occurs in few documents.

\[ idf_{t} = \log \frac{\text{total count of documents}}{\text{count of documents with term t}} \]


Document 1:

One evening Frodo and Sam were walking together in the cool twilight.

Document 2:

Both of them felt restless again.

Document 3:

On Frodo suddenly the shadow of parting had falling: the time to leave Lothlorien was near.

Term Count Inverse Document Frequency
Frodo 2 \(\log(\frac{3}{2}) = 0.176\)
Sam 1 \(\log(\frac{3}{1}) = 0.477\)



Weighted term frequency in a document with importance of a term in all documents.

High Value: Term occurs often in a document and rarely in other documents

\[ tfidf_{t,d} = tf_{t,d} \cdot idf_{t} \]


Document 1:

One evening Frodo and Sam were walking together in the cool twilight.

Document 2:

Both of them felt restless again.

Document 3:

On Frodo suddenly the shadow of parting had falling: the time to leave Lothlorien was near.

Frodo \(2 / 34 = 0.0588\) \(\log(\frac{3}{2}) = 0.176\) 0.0006
Sam \(1 / 34 = 0.0294\) \(\log(\frac{3}{1}) = 0.477\) 0.0140

Data Processing / Record Linkage

Synonyms: Entity Resolution, Duplicate Detection, Coreference Resolution, Fuzzy Matching

Data Integration

Providing data that exists in several autonomous data resources

Record Linkage


Record linkage identifies records of the same entity by comparing identifiers and avoids duplicates. It is often used in data integration and marketing.

Levenshtein Distance


Distance between two strings (e.g. words) by counting the minimum number of operations to transform one string to another.


Levenshtein Distance Example

Operation Cost
Copy Character 0
Insert Character 1
Delete Character 1
Replace Character 1


Levenshtein Distance

Path: Backwards, smallest cost first than diagonal backwards