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Git is a version control system for tracking changes in computer files and coordinating work on those files among multiple people.


VS Code has a built-in Git support. You can use it to manage your repositories without using the command line.

Most used commands

Get latest changes from remote repository:

git pull


Use --rebase flag to rebase local changes on top of remote changes.

Add new file to index:

git add <file>


You can add all files in current directory with git add . or git add -a


-f flag is used to force all files to be added to the index also if they are ignored by .gitignore file.

Commit changes:

git commit -a -m "Commit message"


You can use git commit -a to commit all changes in tracked files.

If you want to commit only a specific file, you can use git commit -a <file> -m "Commit message"

Other useful commands


To leave the vim editor, type :q and press enter.

Show status of tracked files:

git status

Show changes in tracked files:

git diff

Show changes/tracked/untracked of local files:

git status

Show commit history:

git log
git log options

You can also filter the log:

Command Description
--author=<author> Show commits by author
--grep=<string> Show commits with message containing string
--since=<date> Show commits after date
--until=<date> Show commits before date
--oneline Show commits in one line
--graph Show commits as a graph


Create new branch:

git branch <branch name>

Switch to branch:

git checkout <branch name>

Merge branch into main:

git checkout <main branch>
git merge <branch name>


This is the area where you see tracked files that are not yet committed.

Init git & push to remote origin

git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git remote add origin <remote repository url>
git push -u origin master