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JavaScript Variables & Datatypes


var x; // undefined
var x = 5; // number
var x = 3.14; // number
var x = "Test"; // string
var x = ["Test", "Test2"]; // array
var x = true; // boolean
var x = null; // null


// object
var object = {
    key1 "value1",
    key2: 12,
    total: function() {
        return this.key1 + this.key2;

object.key1 = "new value"; // change value
object[key2]++; // increment key2
total =; // call function

Variable Scopes

type scope redeclare update hoisting hoisting init
var global/function/local top of scope undefined
let block top of scope
const block top of scope


  • var can be redeclared and updated (global/function/local scoped)
var x = 10; // var Variable

function test() {
    var y = 20;
    var x = y;
    console.log(x); // 20


  • let can't be redeclared but updated (block scoped)
let x = 10; // let Variable

let x = 20; // error can't redeclare
x = 20; // update

function test() {
    let x = 20; // no error because function scoped


  • const can't be redeclared or updated (block scoped)
const x = 10; // const Variable

const x = 20; // error can't redeclare
x = 20; // error can't update

function test() {
    const x = 20; // no error because function scoped
  • Objects and Arrays can be updated
const object = {
    key1: "value1",
    key2: 12,

object.key1 = "new value"; // no error