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LaTeX Elements

Citations and Bibliography

The bibliography.bib file contains all the references used in the thesis. The references can be added manually or using a reference manager like. See BibTeX for more information.

    author  = {Author name},
    title   = {Title},
    journal = {Journal},
    year    = {Year},
    volume  = {Volume},
    number  = {Number},
    pages   = {Pages},
    doi     = {DOI}


Text to cite \cite{<label_name>}.


Text with footnote\footnote{Footnote text}.

Text with a long footnote\footnotemark. More text ...

\footnotetext{Footnote text}



    \caption{Caption text}

Referencing a figure:

Figure \ref{fig:<label_name>}


        \textbf{Column 1} & \textbf{Column 2} & \textbf{Column 3} \\ \hline
        Row 1             & Row 1             & Row 1             \\ \hline
        Row 2             & Row 2             & Row 2             \\ \hline
        Row 3             & Row 3             & Row 3             \\ \hline
    \caption{Caption text}

Referencing a table:

Table \ref{tab:<label_name>}



    def function():
        print("Hello World!")
def function():
    print("Hello World!")